Behind those eyes

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Chords: Dmi B A(7) Dmi C B A(7) Life is like a long run, sometimes you are up, other times down. And what lies behind those eyes, maybe better not to know, cause on your way of life it is so easy to fall. Now there is another blister on my soul, but still so many, many miles to go. And behind those eyes, that I will never know, sooner or later a flower could blossom. All roads of life have only one end, yet which one to choose, is always hard to tell. And what lies behind those eyes, now I don't pretend that I don't wanna know, our life is only now, so we should enjoy. Oh my lord, tell me where do I belong. Oh our lord, tell me where do we belong, belong, belong... And now the time comes, I am all alone, now i should remember all those eyes, that I could have known.