Fascism Sucks

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From the distance I can hear the troops marching in again, a slightly different look, but the goal's the same. The evil ghosts from our not so distant past are back, but no one ever stopped them and no one sent them back. It's like we never ever learned anything at all, we saw them rise again at all, if we don't wanna see them rise again at all and we don't wanna see them rise again at all... Fascism sucks!!! I know that all of this has been said before, you might not wanna listen, to you it's just a bore, the houses burning are not mine and they're not your's, but soon they might be knocking on our very doors. They'll always find a reason to bring somebody down, not just the skin-colour, yellow, black, red or brown, just like rotten fruit you're beeing sorted out, you're either in r otherwise you're out. You've gotta act now, you've gotta stand tall, if you don't wanna see them rise again at all, if you don't wanna see them rise again at all, if you don't wanna see them rise again at all and if you don't wanna see them rise again at all... Fascism sucks!!! ...and so do you...if you believe in it too! Wise up! Fascism sucks...no matter what they say! Fascism sucks...no matter what they do! Fascism sucks...no matter what you think!...it's all up to you