
Therapy? 5 1 116 0
G F# Emi C D Emi D C Emi Emi D F..k Colombus he was lost C D Mickey mouse needs speed Emi D Uncle Sam spoon fed on crack C D E.T. loves LSD Emi D Diet coke head Barbie dreams of C D sex and god in jeans Emi D With friendly far Arnie pumps PR for the C D medial war machine C D Emi D Forget Colombus C D Emi D Lost your culture Emi D Every dollar family moral C D In Cosby we trust Emi D Seassame kids toy from shop C D bought from G'n'R Emi D Have a nice day in hell today C D white hot conrete scream Emi D Reality is living in there to C D wishfull for your life C D Emi D Forget Colombus C D Emi D Lost your culture Em D C G C D Emi D Forget Colombus C D Emi D Lost your culture