
The Story 4 0 144 0
This is the last time, this time I will win It took a long time to gain this weight, It will take a long time to lose it again I will have only water for a week, then maybe carrots, And celery, and if I lose then Sunday I'll have brown rice Because someone will adore me when my ribs show clearly And I'm thin even when I sit down Someone will admire my gorgeous arms and legs When I'm only one hundred pounds I bought a doctor's scale on sale today It takes up half the bathroom, and it's really ugly, But I know it's going to help me reach my goal I get so dizzy when I stand up fast, and I don't feel like Dancing but I know I'm gonna do it this time, for sure Now I walk past the fatsos eating doughnuts, With cream filling, icing, jimmies, and I am so glad I am not Like them Because someone will adore me when my ribs show clearly And I'm thin even when I sit down Someone will admire my gorgeous arms and legs When I'm only one hundred pounds Last night I dreamed I ate a chocolate cake, and when I Woke up I was sure it was true so I weighed myself just to Make sure and drank a diet coke I want to be skinny (Oh I am so hungry)