Spastic Society

The Network 5 0 147 0
Candy cane, null set, credit card Prescription, nitrogen Now we're living in a Definition, visual aid, air condition Automatic, autostatic Now we're living in a Spastic society Spastic society Spastic society Now we're living in a Spastic society Spastic society Spastic society Now we're living in a Synthesize, paralyze, glass eye Cellophane, aeroplane Now we're living in a Catalyst, saccharine, incomplete Cavity, decompress Now we're living in a Spastic society Spastic society Spastic society Now we're living in a Spastic society Spastic society Spastic society Now we're living in a Spastic society Spastic society Spastic society Now we're living in a Spastic society Spastic society Spastic society Now we're living in a Aluminum, paper cut, centerfold Pernicious and vicious, acetate Perfection, hideous, perfection Now we're living in a Disinfect, satellite, disconnect, goodnight Spastic society Spastic society Spastic society Now we're living in a Spastic society Spastic society Spastic society Now we're living in a Spastic society Spastic society Spastic society Now we're living in a Spastic society Spastic society Spastic society Now we're living in a Spastic society