Blackberries In Porcelain

Smatanová Zuzana 3 0 133 0
Ou, how I know how to lie to myself ... in a little feeling that I pretend Ou, how I know how to lie to myself like the taste of blackberries in porcelain blackberries in porcelain Ou, how we know how to lie to ourselves that sticky trail of everyone Ou, how we know how to lie to ourselves 'bout the taste of blackberries in porcelain blackberries in porcelain I used to draw something black something blue, something sad ... What was white now is red little smile for Mr.Ted Look at me through the glass who am I? and what 'bout that mess? how could it taste that I can't possess? Ou, how you know how to lie to yourself in a little feeling you can't pretend Ou, how you know how to lie to yourself you've never tasted blackberries in porcelain ... blackberries in porcelain