After The Fall

Seven Kingdoms 3 1 126 0
I've seen nightmare's wings Flying high in feverish dreams Break these chains of misery No more climbing walls for me Now wings replace these broken legs Guide me to my destiny I feel the cold of Northwind's Breeze Raven show me how to fly Set me free in Summer's eyes Across the frozen land of Winterfell's Kings A quest to breach the Wall To reach the land of ice and snow After the fall I finally realized The future of your life Is not always what it seems After the fall I fully understand The answers that I seek Are beyond my wildest dreams Dark news on dark wings Another comes to join the hall of kings I fear the worst is yet to be So run to the North From the men of Iron shores To a destiny that's calling me Pitch black wings of destiny Speaking to me in nights of Summer's dreams Pitch black wings of destiny Guiding me to land of ice and trees