Forced Entry

RAM 5 1 199 0
Coming fast from underneath, Metal battering device. Skullcrushing iron golem with a soul of fire and spite. It's at your gates, at your walls, it can taste your fear. Unstoppable lord of demolition, sworn to rip, crush and bend. No compromise, no conformity. Megaton speedtrain of no stopping. Alone and defenceless, nowhere to go, you're the steel shadows victim, you all ready know, rsistance is futile. Stiff from the terror, you freeze in your tracks, in a second it's over you with vicious attacks, resistance is futile. This God of destruction will raze with perfection, its breaking in breaching the walls the immaculate impaler, the new Metal saviour, FORCED ENTRY. Living natural disaster, doom incarnate. Lawbreaker, lawmaker, sadistic, relentless judge. Devil engine, hell machine, unchained and unbound. The rule despiser. terrorizer that no wall can stand against. Skull to the wall, making it fall. Hoof to ground making it quake, iron grip, the pain of overpower, total submission, enter the injector, resistance is futile. [The RAM Rod says:] THE END IS NEAR, FEEL THE FEAR. Coming fast from underneath, Metal battering device. Skullcrushing iron golem with a soul of fire and spite. It's at your gates, at your walls, it can taste your fear. Unstoppable lord of demolition, sworn to rip, crush and bend. This God of destruction will raze with perfection, its breaking in breaching the walls, the immaculate impaler, the new Metal saviour, FORCED ENTRY.