Ephemeris 1679

Lunarsea 3 1 118 0
for those who will read this logbook, smelling an incense ink during the trip for those who will reflect about this logbook, while a red stellar lantern runs fast for those who appreciate the day before to strip the great gray-clad axioms for those who believe to know all, about the numbers and details of the pantheism, while I admire over me, behold an icicle, locked to write a legacy, that melts in the tide act of contrition, the plated casing holds locked to write a legacy, a man never tamed act of contrition form, a misleading form, connecting the dots updating the log, carry on... negative sine into diagram, geometrical designs comparing flyers revolve in the plastic mind as a comets storm strike distorted substrates grow just now, an aisle for salvation fortuitous crash inhibits the script, odd casualty cheap futureless, while I admire over me behold an icicle, locked to write a legacy, that melts in the tide act of contrition, the plated casing holds locked to write a legacy, a man never tamed act of contrition whizzing lights, a dart to the end, strolling and writing about me first breathing time, a membrane evaporates one million words to say half, one symbol to hide it for ever for those who will reflect about this logbook, for those who believe to know all... for those who believe to know all...