Make Me Whole

Longwave 4 1 160 0
Make me whole now Take me in I want the new life to begin In your arms I recognise your face No redemption in the end I'm so far gone I'm back again You're on my knees I recognise your face Crush the world beneath your fist Kill yourself just to exist Deny the mystery that stays Waste a year Waste a year away Looking down I hang my head Looking in already dead Look at you I recognise my face See the death I left behind Know the after life in time No more emptiness No more waste Smash the blackness with a screen No one here's the sound it seems Tonight a permanence that stays Waste a year Waste a year away Pull your insides Pull your insides Pull your insides out Deny your lover Betray your other Redeem you from without Pull your insides Pull your insides out Make me whole now Take me in I want the new life to begin In your arms I recognise your face Loving this I pay a price Loving you I sacrifice You're on my knees I recognise your face Crush the world beneath your fist Kill yourself just to exist Deny the mystery that stays Pull your insides out Pull your insides out Pull your insides out Pull your insides out Pull your insides Pull you insides out