Zion Hut

Levi Ijahman 2 0 167 0
I ride upon the winds that blow That how for my spirit flows There in distant regions While in my spiritual searching I found the true tree of life within my mouth And this I have to share with Friends and strangers no doubt I hear distant sound And I write to what is found I tongue is like a pen of a ready writer I only speak of things Pertaining to my Jah and Kings And of the life of Him Of whom all things and I dwell and live in He said blessed are the pure in spirit RASTAFARI For theirs is the Kingdom of Zion The dwelling of my Father's pavillions Blessed are they that mourn RASTAFARI For they shall be comforted Within the devineness of my Father's hands Blessed are the meek For they shall inherite the earth And possess the heathen under their humble feet Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness For they shall be filled with such spiritual blessing I am I am I am I am what thou sayest that I am That is what I am Blessed is the man that walketh Not in the council of the ungodly Nor standeth in the ways of sinners Nor sitteth in the seats of the scornful WHAT I AM But his delight is in the Lord IS WHAT I AM God Jah Rastafari And in his law do I am Serfie Selassie Meditate all the days of my life continually Jah is love let Him be love I am I am I am What thou hearest that I am I am I am I am What thou seest that I am I am I am I am What thou hearest that I am I am I am I am What thou sayest that I am But sons and daughters of love I man know love I man is love love love Oh love Rastafari is love I often sit alone within my wildertones Watching my father designings Whithin the lights on the clouds Exploring I gloriest heavens Within Jah signs in my silence Receiving my Fathers blessings within His own times I acknownledge all things only unto Him For His given power I find I'm solid bound Day unto day utter speeches in many places While nights unto nights showeth He I His knowledge For the goodness of myself in whom I'm all well paid I am I am I am What thou seest that I am That is what I am What I am Jah is love Oh love let Him be love Jah is love Oh love let Him be love He said blesses are the merciful For they shall obtain mercy And be the saints for everlasting Blessed are the pure in heart For they shall see Jah In earth as it is Mount Zion Blessed are the peace makers For they shall be called The children of the most high God Jah Rastafari Blessed are they which persecute For righteousness' sake For theirs is the Kingdom of Mount Zion And he shall be like tree Planted by the river of waters That bringeth forth his fruit in his season His leaves also shall not wither And what'soever he doeth shall prosper But the ungodly are not so But are like the chaff which words driveth away Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in judgement Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous For the Lord most high God Jah Rastafari Knoweth the ways of the righteous But the ways of the ungodly shall perish Jah I am I am I am I am what I am I am I am I am Jah is love Jaah is love The earth is the Lord and the fullness Let him be love Oh love In the beginning was the words BLESSED For they shall see Jah In earth as it is in Mount Zion Blessed are he peace makers Jah is life Jah is life For they shall be called Let him be love The children of the most high God Oh love Oh love Jah Rastafari Blessed are they which persecute Jah is life Jah is life For Righteousness' sake Oh love For their's is the Kingdom of Mount Zion And he shall be like a tree I am I am I am Planted by the river of waters What thou sayest that I am That bringeth forth his fruit in his season That is what I am His leaves also shall not wither And what'soever he doeth shall prosper I am I am I am But the ungodly are not so What thou hearest But are like chaff which words driveth away That I am Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in judgement But I man can never bow Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous For the Lord most high God Jah Rastafari Humble and come Knoweth the ways of the righteous Humble and come But the ways of the ungodly shall perish Jah I am I am I am I am what I am I am I am I am Whatever I am I man know who I am Jah is love Jah is love Oh love The earth is the Lord and the fullness Let Him be Love oh Love In the beginning was the words On his merry, merry road In Zion the law giver The fruits of all roots in Judah I haile I hymn King of Kings He said blessed are the pure in spirit RASTAFARI For their's is the Kingdom of Zion The dwelling of my Father pavillions Blessed are they that mourns RASTAFARI For they shall be comforted Within the devineness of my Father hands Blessed are the meek RASTAFARI For they shall inherit the earth And possess the Heathen under their humble feet Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness For they shall be filled with such spiritual blessing RASTAFARI I am I am I am I am what thou sayest that I am That is what I am Nor sitteth in the seats of the scornful WHAT I AM But his delight is in the Lord IS WHAT I AM God Jah Rastafai And in His law so I am Serfie Selassie