These hollow eyes are judging my every move
Can I ever break away from the ropes you put around my hands
You just want to take me captive and make me into a man I don't want to be
Who am I to listen to what you have to say
Because I will always be the winner of this game that you play
How am I even going lose myself this time
All you wanna do is watch me burn like fire
But I'll never fall into your arms
You'll be the death of me
It gets so hard to breath
If only you could consume my ability
All you wanna do is watch me burn like fire
But ill never fall into your arms
You try so hard to be so much better than me
If only you could get the best of me
I'm the man that you wish you could be
Jealousy you will never get the best of me
Listen up night
Keep your mouth shut
And hold these opinions that you have very close
Cause nobody wants to hear what you have to say
Stay out of my way
Get outta my face
I'll decide your fate
All you wanna do is watch me burn like fire
But I'll never fall into your arms
You'll be the death of me
It gets so hard to breath
All you wanna do is watch me burn like fire
But I'll never fall into your arms
You try so hard to be so much better than me
If only you could get the best of me
When you start digging up the dirt
Its gonna take a lot more than this to put me six feet under