Hard Hearted Hannah

Horn Shirley 3 0 143 0
They call her Hard-hearted Hannah The Vamp of Savannah The meanest gal in town Leather is tough, but Hannah's heart is tougher She's a gal who loves to see men suffer To tease them and thrill them To torture and kill them Is her delight, they say I saw her at the seashore with a great big pan There was Hannah, pouring water on a drowning man She's hard-hearted Hannah The Vamp of Savannah, GA They call her hard-hearted Hannah, The Vamp of Savannah The meanest gal in town Talk of your cold, refrigerating mamas; Brother, she's the polar bear's pajamas To tease them and thrill them To torture and kill them Is her delight, they say An evening spent with Hannah sitting on your knees Is like traveling through Alaska in your BVD's She's hard-hearted Hannah The Vamp of Savannah, GA Can you imagine a woman as cold as Hannah? She's got the right name, the Vamp of Savannah Anytime a woman can take a great big pan Start pouring water on a drowning man She's hard-hearted Hannah The Vamp of Savannah, GA Ooh, she's sweet as sour milk!