Around This Corner

Harmer Sarah 2 0 207 0
I'll be coming around this corner I know one day we'll meet I'll look in your eyes And i'll look up the street And i'll cover my heart So you can't see it beat And i'll struggle 'Cause how can I say When I don't know If i'll feel loving Or if i'll feel low I may wind up and get into trouble Knowing that you've been bad Is one of the worst feelings I ever had Knowing that you been bad Did it mean much to you I thought I knew you Now I wish I had I'll be coming round this corner One day real slow And i'll see myself reflected In someone I used to know And I may look away And keep going home And try to forget it before I get to the door But how can I say When I don't know If i'll feel loving Or if i'll feel low I may wind up And cry a big puddle Knowing that you've been bad Is one of the worst feelings I ever had Knowing that you been bad Did it mean much to you I thought I knew you Now I wish I had How can you forgive that fast Why do they call it the past When nothing has passed