
Eggnoise 3 0 201 0
I wonder where the sunshine is everytime it rains, where the wind hides, where all the clouds go on sunny days, where rainbows end and where they start. No matter how the clouds are running by I´ll tell you lies about how trees must grow and the rivers must flow but don´t it all depend on the weather report? Don´t ask me how I know. We´re getting all the problems solved by meteorology. And if there´s nowhere to hide from a thunder or storm and if rain doesn´t come, dude, will it ever be long… No matter how the clouds are running by I´ll tell you lies about how trees must grow and the rivers must flow but don´t it all depend on the weather report? I´ve come to watch your flowers growing, you know what they mean to me. I have to feel your heart in syncrasy coming down my way as my counterpart, forgetting the flower. That´s all about… We´re getting all the problems solved by meteorology. And if there´s nowhere to hide from a thunder or storm and if rain doesn´t come, dude, will it ever be long… All life I live on the groundfloor. Sometimes an easy come is an easy go, but what does it matter when your´mine and I live on your payroll. Because sometimes even melody flies away rather than gets high.