Virtual World

Donalds Andru 4 0 159 0
Nowadays so many things have changed I can feel the cold Don't be blind and start to realize If not, your'e just a morphing soul In a virtual world ~HOMELESS HEART, LEFT ALONE, LOOKING FOR A HOLD~ Children hypnotized in front of a T.V Playing lonely, just with best friend T.F.T. People surfing, chatting all around the world Ignoring time and the ones they will need When they sit in the cold Think about if that's the way life should be ~ YOU NEED TOUCH ~ You'll never get thrill from talking to a screen ~ IT MEANS SO MUCH ~ I just doubt, that is the way you want to get old Without the feeling of love, you'll be lost In a virtual world ~HOMELESS HEART, LEFT ALONE, LOOKING FOR A HOLD~ But from the very start, it was a world apart Searching for digital horizons I can trust in love and my soul Instead of a virtual world Night and day, I see these people on the street ~ THEY NEED TOUCH ~ Cyber junkies, losing sense of reality ~ IT MEANS SO MUCH ~ Surrounded by machines without a bit of soul Ignoring time and the ones that will help When they sit in the cold Think about if that's the way life should be ~ YOU NEED TOUCH ~ You'll never get thrill from talking to a screen ~ IT MEANS SO MUCH ~ I just doubt, that is the way you want to get old Without the feeling of love, you'll be lost In a virtual world