Sally Maclennane

Dillinger Four 4 0 131 0
Jimmy played harmonica in the pub where I was born He played it from the night time to the peaceful early morn He soothed the souls of psychos and the men who had the horn And they all looked very happy in the morning But Jimmy didn't like his place in this world of ours Where the elephant man broke strong men's necks And had too many powers So sad to see the grieving of the people that I'm leaving And he took the road to God knows in the morning We walked him to the station in the rain Then we kissed him as we put him on the train Then we sang him a song of times long gone But we knew that we'd be seeing him again I'm sad to say I must be on my way So buy me beer or whiskey cause I'm going far away I'm glad to think I'll be returning when I can To the greatest little boozer and to Sally MacLennane