I Was Made For Lovin'

Bus Stop 3 0 189 0
I was made for loving you Baby just be true I was made for loving you Baby just be true C'mon Yeah back once again Comin' at you Bus Stop style Are we ready now C'mon Ariba Ariba Ariba Bus Stop styleee Yeah Yeah Yeah Ohh I was made for loving you C'mon Back once again for 2003, Bus Stop boys and Domino MC Scraping the barrel one more time without no cowboy doin' a rhyme On his horse and he's rode away Stockport cowboy must be gay Gay & happy all the time, Bus Stop boys are feeling fine Grind that cheddar into de bowl, Bus Story is to be told Listen up listen up it's a number one-er, no Daisy he's done a run run runner Bazza and Tricky on TV, double dark rapper gonna try and be me Yo John Wayne to the back of the queue, We're Domino's boys and we're lovin' you I was made for loving you Baby just be true I was made for loving you Baby just be true