Waste My Time

BEDlight for blueEYES 4 0 128 0
Did you think that it would end up this way? single shadow cast in a leading role I got my suitcase by the door packed with, secrets you'll never know We lay down you said "boy don't ever let me go" now i'm writing all the things we couldn't show Trying not to waste my time tonight honey, all the wrong things they feel so right I should've said I love you but I just said I understand Trying hard to keep my mind occupied on the road for at least six weeks this time but satisfaction is the death of desire baby, I'm not satisfied Well I came home with the wood stacked in my arms and found out you found a new way to keep warm Trying not to waste my time tonight Honey, all the wrong things they feel so right I should've said I love you but I just said I understand Whoa-ho, oooh whoa, ho, oh oh Trying not to waste my time tonight Honey, all the wrong things they feel so right I should've said i love you but i just said i understand (2x)