Fear Itself

Ares Kingdom 3 0 197 0
I bleed as a wound ripped in my flesh Slash destiny into each arm... With blood, with fire Dead blood flows from my veins (My blood feeds the firestorm) And withstands the spreading blaze Before the harvest of souls Death whets his gleaming scythe The sound of stone on steel And sparks as lightning across the sky Fear not you righteous ones Though Death is always the winner He is also easily appeased... Never fear the night Never fear the darkness My breath scorches like desert winds Far above the reek and stench Time will come to pay - hell won't be enough Desire feeds the leaping flames Firestorm - smoke rises to the sky Entrenched bodies - frozen, charred stumps Screaming in silence as echoes fade The light of peace glows dying red The civilized veneer is drawn like a curtain Drawn for the next act of blasphemy And falls when the course is crimson drenched