No Waste Of Flesh

Antropofagus 4 1 160 0
Reconstructing that corpse was An hard exploit, for an expert corpse rebuilder too. A severe incident had maimed the body, But it had to be undamaged, Clean, and made-up for the funeral. He always found the positive side in his work. He was disgusted by death, making victims everyday; God gave him many dead, it wasn't right they Became food for vermins, thus, from many years, He had been carrying at home the most Fresh prices of flesh. He ateem with gluttony, Watching his loved sado-movies. He was fat as a stinking swine, His yellow sickly sticky sweat dripped From his forehead and his armpits. To masturbate he had to heave his limp belly, To content his little penis He kept at home a collection of pussies. His wife was jealous, but she didn't dare Asking for divorce, as some mutilated dick Was pleasant for her too. In this way they gave vent their heavy sexual Repressions. When his wife, worn out By menopause and mutilated dick Was complaining about her queer Conjugal life, he usually said: "no waste of flesh"