Sunk Rock

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Did the nation feel a tremor from the underground? Whatever happened to the heartfelt uncompromising sound Made by people who care who got sick of all the shit? Two minutes poxy rebellion Drenched with the sweat of dancing all night and pretending you care Draining the strength you never wanted to share Whatever happened to the punk rock revolution? All that's left is the smell of excretion and hunky punky posters Real rock stars on walls Just the empty picture of an ego, no face, no balls There was real money to be made from punk Punk merchandise clothing rip-off junk The music press caught on quickly enough Calling the tune and splitting us up Into fuck knows how many labels and factions Screw up & control what they don't understand with their selfish actions Whatever happened to the punk rock revolution? All that's left is a veil of confusion & The media twisting all into some kind of human mistake. All that's left is a Kenny Everret pisstake A personal insult, a twisted view That all we do is gob & sniff glue There can be so much more we as a movement can do Any change for the better lies with me and you Punk is such a sick joke, bought and sold very well But only those involved are willing to sell Whatever happened to the punk rock revolution? All that's left is the only solution Bollocks to the parasites who want to fuck it up again And if that includes you then you'd better think again If it's really our movement take part or get out Cuz it's the pathetic dishonesty punk can do without. Whatever happened to the punk rock revolution?