Onward Christian Soldiers

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I don’t mind slaving all my life For the benefit of others Who were born into privilege Who tear the earth apart with their self-importance & greed Because those who tear the earth apart With their self-importance & greed Have convinced me that it’s all I’m fit for Have convinced me that it’s my purpose Have convinced me that it’s what I’m here for I don’t mind killing all my life For the benefit of others who were born into privilege Who tear the earth apart With the fear they instill with their wars Because those who tear the earth apart With the fear they instill with their wars Have convinced me they are worth dying & killing for Have convinced me god is worth dying & killing for Have convinced me lies are worth dying & killing for I don’t mind being a pawn all my life For the stupidity of others Who were born into privilege Who tear the earth apart With their assurance of life after death Because those who tear the earth apart With their assurance of life after death Have convinced me that my shitty life will be compensated For when I’ve finished feeding their mouths & lining their pockets& fighting their wars & believing their lies I will live peacefully ever after in some imaginary christian utopia In heaven with god In harmony Onward Christian Soldiers Another life awaits (Lies & assurances of something better in the future always makes us happy with the shit we have at present)