Fragments Of The Sun (Pallas)
We live our lives
From moment to moment
Never knowing
Where we are going
Can you see our light out there
Or are we alone
Lost on this sad little world
We call home
Or can you see our planet burning bright
Like a fragments of the sun
No one want to be alone
We don't want to be alone
Don't leave us stuck here on our own
We burn so brightly for a moment
Then we're gone
We all need something to believe in
We all need somebody to love
And we all need the answers to our questions
And we all need
Hear our song calling out to you
Cross the endless darkness
We will shine through
Hear our song
And if you look out to stars on winter night
Can you believe we're all alone
Just like a sentinel who keeps the beacon flame alight
We'll shine on like a fragment of the sun