The Call Of Nature (Torture Garden)

Praise then darkness and creation unfinishedI am your 
lost lust, exuberance and joy
Passionate instincts unbridled by shame
Desire is consummation is beauty
Seeking enough or too much of life
My bounty yours as yours is mine
Forever reaching towards swirling skies
I live for the violence unleashed
Thrill of the chase
Across blasted heath
Snarling at phantoms
Baring flesh flecked teeth
As my flowing coat flails behind

Caught in the moment
Each beat is a thump
Ears prick up and smell the trees
My snout drinks in the flooding scenes
And conspiracies of fallen leaves
I and the foaming oceans are one!
I and the foaming oceans are one!
I and the foaming oceans are one!
I and the foaming oceans are one!
Mankind denies its evolution
Mab tears through grey and neon alike
Everywhere flaunting her defiance
Outliving all of their palaces
Survival of her fittest adaptation
Ever in flight, she respires in eternity