Upon My Honor (Whispered)

Prominent I stand as I lead my men to war
 With banners held high "we'll waste 'em all" I swore
 I seek within myself, find no fear as we march
 God of eight banners by our side, the soil beneath our feet will parch

 I scream as we draw our swords

 Death claims every single soul
 but mine

 The blood stains the ground
 But upon my honor I'll return!
 The blades cut so deep
 But upon my honor I'll return!
 Five thousand arrows pierce me
 But upon my honor I'll return!
 The light before me fades away
 but Upon my honor I'll return!
 Victorious we'll return!

 Impaled I stand they
 want to see me fall
 Their hands tremble,
 I'm ready to face 'em all
 Smile on my face, I approach
 their formation weak
 One by one they turn around,
 scared, I made them retreat

 The cries of men held a sweet promise
 of their defeat
 I walked among the chaos witnessing
 the August Star O Heaven coming down
 The earth shook as he laid his feet to the ground
 watching me with pride, for I brought him
 a true harmony of blood

 I scream as we wield our swords

 Hold the line!
 I shout as we face their hordes
 I scream with blood filled lungs

 We will claim every single soul 
 with pride

 The blood stains the ground

 The blades cut so deep

 Five thousand arrows pierce me
 But upon my honor I'll return!
 The light before me fades away
 but Upon my honor I'll return!
 Victorious we'll return!