Rebel Souls (The Damnation)

Fettered with the olden ice
 Blown with the gale of oblivion
 Masters of duration
 We stay in the chaos of calm

 Let's soar to the sky in red
 Lost land calls us
 Let's free our souls
 Dip them in the life's infinity
 Let's mount winged beasts
 Horizon is our goal

 Let the whirlwind of death carry our fleet
 Blackness of the sky is the shelter of our storm
 Our rights paid dearly with our lives ago

 Rebel souls
 Our names are swords of hatred
 Our names have never been spoken by a mortal

 Blackness of the sky is the shelter of our storm
 Our rights paid dearly with our lives ago

 Who's that figure gliding in the sky of death
 Dark messenger from the abyssland