As I Fight (No Innocent Victim)

Character never builds 
When put to the side to grow on it's own 
Like the sharpened knife 
It once had to grind against stone 
The life that I have chosen 
I wasn't promised an easy way out 
But when the hard times come 
He's there for me 
That's what He's about 
As I fight I'm not alone 
Through the struggles I have grown 
I failed Him before 
And I will fail over and over again 
He promised me not to leave 
And with that how could I not win 
Disoriented by change 
Hard times come that's one thing for sure 
But He promises me that I won't 
See one more ounce 
Than I can endure 
When I feel like I am a failure 
That is when I should surrender 
Never to the opposing attack 
But to His guidance 
Right where I am at