Pardon My Heart (Neil Young)

Interpret/autor: Neil Young 
POZOR, ladění je Dropped D, čili DADGHD 
Akordáž: D(000230), D(2)(000777), D6(000779), D11(000555), D11(2)(0009810), CaddD(x32010), G/D(x20030), A11/D(000989), 
        D               CaddD         G/D             D    G/D  CaddD 
It's a fallen situation,     when all eyes are turned in 
       D                 CaddD            G/D        D     G/D  CaddD 
and a love isn't flowing      the way it could have been 
          D11                          D(2) 
R1: You brought it all on - Oh, but it feels so wrong 
          D11                          D(2) 
    You brought it all on - No, no, I don't believe this song 
          D11               D(2) 
    You brought it all on 
    2x D(2)  D6  D11(2)  A11/D  D(2)  D11  D(2)  G/D  CaddD 
It's a sad communication with little reason to believe 
when one isn't giving and one pretends to receive 
R1: You brought it all on - Oh, but it feels so wrong 
Pardon my heart if I showed that I cared 
But I love you more than moments we have or have not shared 
R2: You brought it all on - Oh, and it feels so good 
    You brought it all on - When love flows the way that it should 
    You brought it all on - It feels so good