falling at your feet (U2)

G C G (3 times) 
G     C               G 
Every chip from every cup 
G     C             G 
Every promise given up 
G     C                  G 
Every reason that's not enough 
   Am      ?                G 
Is falling, falling at your feet 
G     C              G 
Every band's elastic limit 
G     C                         G 
Every race when there's nothing in it 
G     C                    G 
Every winner that lost his ticket 
   Am      ?                G 
Is falling, falling at your feet 
G         Am                ?               G 
I've come crawling, now I'm falling at your feet 
G    C 
Everyone who... 
G        Am                        ? 
All fall down (All the manic dazed faces that you pull) 
All fall down (All the action is not under your control) 
         Am                         ? 
All fall down (The graffiti rolling down of your tongue) 
         ?? or Em 
All fall down (And the compromise you make for someone) 
(2nd time followed by a small interlude with verse chords) 
G     C 
Every teenager... 
G     C 
Every foot... 
G        Am 
All fall down... 
G     C 
Every eye... 
G        Am 
All fall down... (7 times) 
         ?? or Em 
All fall down (Not my will, thy will)