TEA FOR TWO (jazzové standardy)
TEA FOR TWO 4/4 1…2…1234
Gm7 C7 Gm7 C7 FMA7 F6 FMA7 F6
Picture you up-on my knee just tea for two and two for tea
Gm7 C7 Gm7 C7 F F6
Just me for you and you for me a-lone
Bm7 E7 Bm7 E7
Nobody near us to see us or hear us
No friends or re-lations on week-end va-cations
Bm7 E7 Bm7 E7 A C7
We won’t have it known, dear, that we own a tel-e-phone, dear
Gm7 C7 Gm7 C7 FMA7 F6 FMA7 F6
Day will break and you’ll a-wake and start to bake a sugar cake
Gm7 C7 Gm7 C7 Cm6 D7
For me to take for all the boys to see.
Gm Cm6 Gm D7 F#dim Gm C#+ Bbm6
We will raise a fam –i- ly, a boy for you, a girl for me.
Gm7 C7 Gm7 C7 F
Oh can’t you see how happy we will be.