Joey (Therapy?)
Gentlemen, start your axes
It was winter, it was cold
I was lost in the world of my own
I was bent double at the end of the road
Pissing my suicide note in the snow
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'd stopped the world and I was getting off
When a white flash nearly made my heart stop
I said "this is either Jesus, aliens or cops"
It was neither, it was Joey Dunlop
Yeah, yeah, yeah
So hats off
For Joey Dunlop
One day you'll go to the great big bar in the sky
Everybody's free, everybody flies
The greats gonna be there, you wouldn't wanna miss it
Me, George Best and Hurricane Higgins
Yeah, yeah, yeah
So hats off
For Joey Dunlop
So hats off, hats off
For Joey Dunlop