Ambassador Of Fear (English Dogs)
stalking and hiding and planning to win
taking them all on his own
scheming and building and thinking to win
how can he beat them alone
planning his world with a cordon of fear
disclose of the rivals around
pulling the strings making everyone move
but others are holding him down
motals above him are running his life
to see that he gets out of hand
but there not the only ones pulling the strings
the only ones making a stand
people he rules are all striken with fear
with beatings and death's in the night
lying in torment of murder severe
they will soon show they are right
ambassador is beaten
conquerer defeated
ruler of evil
people did rise and stand up for their rights
cutting down those from above
conquerer culvered and shock in the night
people will lose him no love
ambassador struck down with hate and remorse
from slaves who had now become free
the tables have turned and have taken their course
the ruler is now history