Real Canadians

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It was a cold night in a hot town When the alderman's wife pulled her shirt down She was on to Tommy like a cheap suit She thought his hair was cute or something It was a cold night in a hot town When the alderman's wife let her guard down She was so excited she could hardly speak The tequila swept her off her feet or something There's a million stories in the naked dominion Coast to coast The real Canadians, the real Canadians It was a hot night in a cold town When a young accountant let his hair down I must admit he was a cute fruit But Harley gave him the boot anyway There's a million stories in the naked dominion Coast to coast The real Canadians, the real Canadians At a retirement party in a naval town A Canadian groupie laid her guns down When we asked her if she was really ready She said she and Jesus were goin' steady There's a million stories in the naked dominion Coast to coast The real Canadians, the real Canadians, the real Canadians... From the Malahat, to Kitimat, to Medicine Hat to Uranium City From Thunder Bay, to Saint Jervais, all the way to St. Johns, Newfoundland The real Canadians