Damned Grave

Tormentor 3 0 131 0
The tyrant of Transilvania was terribly murdered He was killed by his daughter with an holy dagger There weren't burial, no priest, no holy water The lifeless body was buried in the dark forest His eternal dream was exhausted He was by himself only with the beasts It was unworthy for the great Emperor His resting place was damned horrible Grave in the unhly Black field The forest was loud by the howling of wolves But after six days later The fullmoon arrived Suddenly he felt a starnge thing Something changed around him The wolves gathered over his grave They scraped out of the grave where he was buried Suddenly his fingers moved His breathing became moving His eyes opened up and saw Tame wolves standing around him At oncehe appeared i all the rooms of his castle He waked up his daughter who died in deadly fear Ever since every year in every Novemberu He wakes up from his grave and haunts in Transilvania.