The Crimson Armada
Try as you might you will never bring me down
This means nothing. You mean nothing
The best you'll be is dead to me
You can rip out my tongue
And I'll speak of His love.
You can pry out my eyes
And I'll show off His love
You can tear off my flesh
I'll share the warmth of his love
You've got nothing on me
I am the Juggernaut
You are nothing to me
I am the juggernaut
So tremble before me
Try as you might you will never bring me down
This means nothing you mean nothing
The best you'll be is dead to me
So give me your best or better, give me your worst
I will follow my king to the back of a hearse
I am the juggernaut and i come in the name of the king
I am the juggernaut now tremble before me
This means nothing
You mean nothing
The best you'll be is dead to me.
Zdroj: http://akordy.net