Timbo Speaks!
DJ Mustard
Ladies and gentlemen
To the Mustard show
DJ Mustard, that is
And I'm a take a steep back
Cause this young nigga got it
Feel me?
You know why he got it?
Cause Tim-Timbo the King said it
All the beat makers
Stop fuckin up niggas' money
Cause only one Mustard in the west coast
DJ Mustard that is
That's the next new nigga
You know why? Timbo said so
And the niggas who do all the Murstard type beats on the west coast
Cut it out
You're fuckin up the money
You fuckin up the money
Ya'll fuckin up the money
Ya'll gotta take a stand
Only one Mustard
Only one Timbo
And only one Mustard...
DJ Mustard... get these niggas
Zdroj: http://akordy.net