Hmi F#7 Hmi Hmi7
1. Is there anybody going to listen to my story
Emi Emi/G D F#7
all about the girl who came to stay
Hmi F#7 Hmi Hmi7
she's the kind of girl you want so much it makes you sorry
Emi Emi/G Hmi
still you don't regret a single day.
D F#mi Emi A7 D F#mi Emi A7
R: Ah girl girl!
2. When I think of all the times I've tried to leave her
she will turn to me and start to cry
and she promises the earth to me and I believe her
after all this times I don't know why.
R: Ah girl...
Emi H
*: She's the kind of girl who puts you down
Emi H
when friends are there you feel a fool
Emi H
when you say she's looking good she acts
Emi G
as if it's understood she's cool cool cool cool.
R: Ah girl...
3. Was she told when she was young the fame would lead to pleasure
did she understand it when they said
that a man must break his back to earn his day of leisure
will she still believe it when he's dead?
R: Ah girl...