
Reverend and the Makers

Spin for feature or I hold for fruit
I need two more nudges and I'll drop the loot
Sure I'll jack it almost anytime
*When I Hear A voice from behind*

No, no mate you wanna' hold the pears
Cos I've been watching you from over by the stairs
Turbocash is cool you wanna' let em spin
But if the hoppers full you're guaranteed a win

No, no mate why don't you understand
I've got a scheme a plan I've got it all in hand
I need a no-lose or an extra life
And me mobile's ringing. It's mi wife

Where are you Jon what time will you be home
I've been trying to call just get your answerphone
I've told you once, I've told you times before
I can't get to sleep until you're through the door
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Are you listening to anything I say?
We need the money, we got bills to pay
Don't get drunk and make sure you're not late
And don't be gambling please for goodness sake

Back inside a frown adorns my face
Because I see this bloke's stepped in and took me place
What takes the biscuit, really tops it off
Is when the jackpot lights up, he's took the lot

Haha lad you see what I just did?
I just dropped the bandit, only spent a quid
Oh were you playing mate?
I didn't realise&

I'm so skint and demoralised

There's always tomorrow mate
