
Illusion Suite

I heard a voice whisper: "Transfigure all;
 You're burning down the city
 Just to build it up again"
 I have a dream to stand up tall, immortalized
 I build a statue that will stand eternity

 Divine intervention has brought me to the throne
 The emperor sees through an actors eyes
 The show goes on
 A new beginning... let's play
 All of the world's my stage

 In my mind there are vast plans impending
 And when aligned a new world will rise
 My secret friend has been aiding me, to find a way
 Through our cosmic intercourse

 Don't be afraid now!
 Wake up from confusion!
 Stay the course thought!
 I am here, the Gods are not
 I'm not the one who's in need of protection
 The gods need aid from me

 All his work is delayed
 The funds are running few
 Employing his last resort
 He launches a suicide campaign
 When the dark cloaks a traitor
 And the "busy bees" employs
 Then, the vanquish of the senate will begin

 A foe of the state and an emperor of his dreams
 And so he prepares his suicide
 "The world will lose the greatest artist that lived"
 Echoes his words today

 Five birds are flying past unfertile soil
 Then circling by a lifeless emperor
 They separate their ways; its a sign
 Like waves are approaching the coastline
 His life pulls closer to the end
 The tyrant's reign is at its ending
