The Dead Sea


Im breathing yet I fight for air
 This tomb you've pulled me down
 A nomad in this barren land
 Your binds ahold of my desperate hand

 The light that projects
 Forth from your eyes
 Sucks out the life that life that lies within mine
 Somber and weak is heart of a slave
 Emerge with dispirited hate

 Bring me to my feet my rash lioness
 Wash away all my pain
 The hunger for more forced you out of that place
 I was the light you would need

 The light that projects
 Forth from your mind
 Sucked out the hope that lied within mine

 I was the light you would need

 Wanderer upon the dead sea
 Nomad in this barren land
 Worlds away, my heart is gone
 Take my desperate hand

 Captive in self-loathing calm
 A semblance of revenants haunting my thoughts
 The temptress you were
 The air between your bones is desolate and cold

 I was breathing yet I fought for air
 That tomb you pulled me down
 You were falling to a dark abyss
 I should have let you drown
