Once Were Romans

Ex Deo

"First Cohort... In battle formation" - Roman general

Once were Romans 
Once were men, who died for honor 
Once were women, who made imperial blood
Once was glory, you could only bleed 
Once were gods, who walked upon the earth 
Once was truth...
Once were Romans

Bind this world forever
Bind the truth forever

Barbarians at the gates of Rome
Seek to stop the impossible
Evolution of man, Civilization 
Advancement into the evil

Consilio et animis 
Fortes Fortuna iuavat
Veritas vos liberabit 
Credite Posteri

Roma Victrix!

Consilio et animis 
Fortes Fortuna iuavat
Veritas vos liberabit 
Credite Posteri

Once were Romans
Once were men, who died for honor 
Once were women, who made imperial blood 
Once was glory, you could only bleed 
Once were gods, who walked upon the earth 
Once was truth... 
Once were Romans

Bind this world forever 
Bind the truth forever

From the foundation of Romulus.... 
To the conquests of Caesar...
From Augustus' triumphs... 
To the mighty Scipio 
and victories of general Agrippa

Roma Caput Mundi!

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