If Heaven

Griggs Andy

If heaven was an hour, it would be twilight
When the fireflies start their dancin on the lawn
And suppers on the stove, and mammas laughin
And everybodys workin day is done

If heaven was a town it would be my town
On a summer day in 1985
And everything I wanted was out there waitin
And everyone I loved was still alive

Don't cry a tear for me now baby
There comes a time we all must say goodbye
And if that's what heavens made of
You know what I ain't afraid to die

If heaven was a pie it would be cherry
Cool and sweet and heavy on the top
And just one bite would satisfy your hunger
Thered always be enough for everyone

If heaven was a train it sure would be a fast one
To take this weary travler round the bend
And if heaven was a tear it'd be my last one
And you'd be in my arms again

Don't cry a tear for me now baby
There comes a time we all must say goodbye
And if that's what heavens made of
You know what I ain't afraid to die

Zdroj: http://akordy.net