We Will Run


Create in me a clean heart, 
For I have turned my face from You

Save us from our ways, oh God
Oh God
For we have turned away from You

Lord, have mercy

We will run to You, we will run to You
Turning from our sin, we return to You
Father, heal Your world, make all things new
Make all things new

Your love and mercy, 
Build and shape us
Break and then re-create us now

Lord, have mercy

We will run to You, we will run to You
Turning from our sin, we return to You
Father, heal Your world, make all things new
Make all things new

Oh, we will run to You, we will run to You
Turning from our sin, we return to You
Father, heal Your world, make all things new
Make all things new 

Ohh, bring us back to You (3x)

Zdroj: http://akordy.net