Night Light

Golden Resurrection

The wind of change is blowing,
It's different today,
I can't go on in endless circles,
I need to be prepared,
Information everywhere,
On and on don't lose yourself

Many golden offers,
But look beyond and see,
Is it true? Is it false?
Sometimes it's hard to see,
I need You Lord to guide me,
You're the ruler off it all,
I lay my life into Your hands

Seek first God's Kingdom,
and you will find the truth

You're my night light, my redeemer,
You lift me up when darkness falls,
I'm a soldier for Your Kingdom,
Your Spirit show me, Holy Father

The world is spinning faster,
No signs it will slow down,
But you and I,
Have the freedom to choose,
Digital conversation,
Information everywhere,
On and on don't lose yourself

Standing at the crossroad,
I've seen this place before,
Give me eyes. Give me ears,
To know which way to go,
I need you Lord to guide me,
You're the ruler of it all,
I lay my life into Your hands
