
Therapy? 7 0 130 0
Emi C Emi C D Emi C Emi C D C Emi C Emi C D Emi C Emi C D With the face like this I wont break any hearts Emi C Emi C D And thinking like that I wont make any friends Emi C Emi C D Screw that forget about that I dont wanna think about anythink like that Emi C Emi C D Screw that forget about that I dont wanna know about anything like that Emi C G D Ive got nothing to do hang around and get screw up on you Emi C G D Ive got nothing to do hang around and get screw up on you Your beauty makes me feel alone I look inside but no ones home Screw that forget about that I dont wanna think about anythink like that Screw that forget about that I dont wanna know about anything like that Ive got nothing to do hang around and get screw up on you Ive got nothing to do hang around and get screw up on you Ive got nothing to do hang around and get screw up on you Ive got nothing to do hang around and get screw up on you