In Our Hands

Solar Fragment 4 0 156 0
The Spark of Deity ignites in our hands Down in the land of sighs this superficial life keeps going on will it ever end (will it ever end)? My will, my testament is to destroy the land let terror reign spoke the moribund (when his day had come) But there’s a legend ablaze the sky will descend and fire will rain So all who wear a soulless face will be released from the haze It’s five strokes of fate of pain and loss and misery That’s the number of the stones that I will break I will bring justice to the world once and for all you all go with me when I die I spent my life protecting you you just brought me agony no, I can’t take it anymore a nation’s sought to spoil my life why now you all will die The Spark of Deity ignites in our hands it’s burning from within to brighten up the land defeat the twilight so that day and night revieve can you feel the sunrise in your heart? But as they carry out the task it’s the keeper’s son who can embrace the Spark His will is strong and he is trying to take his dead father’s place Now it’s up to him Caught up in a nightmare his past is falling in oblivion oh, it’s drowning in the fog So, it’s a race against the time restore the light divine The Spark of Deity ignites in our hands… (I don’t regret to be the slayer of my kind) This is the last chance we face the razor’s edge now Despite all hopelessness the bearer will not slow down reverse the horror of the king’s revenge Still he’s marching on and on to reignite the flames Stumbling through a field of ghosts until the stones bring day and night again There’s no shelter, no encouragement it’s a burden and he’s out there all alone There’s no shelter there is no choice but going on or all the world will end (that’s my testament) But there’s a legend ablaze the sky will descend and fire will rain So all who wear a soulless face restart the human race The Spark of Deity ignites in our hands…