Demon Limbs
Oh, I know
I can feel the shifting in my bones
Enclosed are the senses so unknown
I've been changing, falling, fading
There's demons at the door patiently waiting
But I wasn't composed of broken bones are demon limbs
So please watch over me and be the light to carry me
Please be the light,
Please be the light that carries me
I can feel it being torn from my, my hands, my innocence
This change is all so permanent
Can't you see the change in me?
I said it's all so permanent
There's no placement,
No arrangement of words that I could say to keep these changes away
But I wasn't composed of broken bones are demon limbs
So please watch over me and be the light to carry me
Please be the light
Please be the light that carries me
This world is a masterpiece
A canvas sheet accountable for such losses,
Shout out to the artist who took his heart and his soul and lost them both
In process
If it gets ahold of me
Please be the saint to save me
So please watch over me and be the light to carry me