
Metallica 94 3 950 0
Blackened is the End Winter it will send Throwing all you see Into obscurity Death of Mother Earth Never a rebirth Evolution's end Never will it mend Never...! FIRE To begin whipping Dance of the Dead, Blackened--is the--End! To begin whipping Dance of the Dead, Color our world Blackened! Blistering of Earth Terminate its worth Deadly Nicotine Kills what might have been Callous frigid chill Nothing left to kill Never seen before Breathing nevermore Never...! FIRE To begin whipping Dance of the Dead, Blackened--is the--End! To begin whipping Dance of the Dead, Color our world Blackened! BLACKENED. Opposition (opposition) Contradiction (contradiction) Premonition (premonition) Compromise Agitation (agitation) Violation (violation) Mutilation (mutilation) Planet Dies Darkest Color Blistered Earth True Death of Life (termination) Termination (expiration) Expiration (cancellation) Cancellation human race (expectation) Expectation (liberation) Liberation (population) Population laid to waste See our Mother Put to death See our Mother die Smouldering decay Take your breath away Millions of our years In minutes disappears Darkening in vain Decadence remains All is said and done Never is the sun Never...! FIRE To begin whipping Dance of the Dead, Blackened is the end! To begin whipping Dance of the Dead, FIRE Is the outcome of hypocrisy, Darkest poten- -cy! In the exit of hu-ma-ni-ty, Color our world Blackened! BLACKENED.