So Little Love in the World

Kenny Rogers 8 1 171 0
One rainy afternoon at Union Station As I sat alone and waited on my train I overheard a lover'€™s conversation Laced with desperation and pain. I heard a girl say when is your train leavin'€™ The schedule'€™s blurry, something'€™s in my eyes I heard a boy say I'€™ll just board it early With a voice some lone drown out goodbye. I thought there'€™s so little love in the world There'€™s so little love in the world With all of those millions of lonely boys and girls Why is there so little love in the world. I saw them walk together thro'€™ the station I saw the girl walk back alone her head held down Her tremblin'€™ lips the only indication Of her losin'€™ struggle not to cry.